

篇名 拾遗补缺    创办特色    ─ 我国民办学校发展的战略选择
並列篇名 Strategic decisions on the development of China’s private schools
作者 蔡克勇
中文摘要 我国”政教合一”的传统,使公立学校严重挤压了私立学校的发展空间,直接影响了私立学校的发展基础。民办学校应在广阔的教育供求领域,”拾”公立学校之”遗”,”补”公立学校之”缺”,为社会提供不同于公立学校的”另类选择”。
英文摘要 Public schools have squeezed the development of private schools in China due to the traditional combination of government with educational systems. It has directly affected the developmental basis of private schools. Private schools should compensate the public schools in educational market, providing another choice other than public education to the society.
頁次 52-55
關鍵詞 公立学校 私立学校 另类选择 public school private school another choice CSSCI
卷期 1:1
日期 200301
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學