

篇名 弱勢學生未來時間觀、學習自我效能及學習任務價值之研究
並列篇名 A Study of Disadvantaged Students' Future Time Perspective, Learning Self-efficacy, and Task Value
作者 黃儒傑
中文摘要 本研究藉由問卷調查,了解弱勢學生在未來時間觀、學習自我效能與學習任務價值上的現況及其與一般學生的差異情形,並分析弱勢學生的未來時間觀與學習自我效能,以及對其學習任務價值的關係。本研究針對台北市及台北縣(現為新北市)依各鄉鎮市區進行分層隨機取樣,共回收2173份問卷,回收率為96.28%。其中,弱勢學生有491名,約佔22.6%。問卷資料經採多變量變異數分析、結構方程模式分析後,發現一些重要結論。首先,單親學生在未來時間觀部分層面上,具有顯著但稍低於一般學生;其次,單親及中低收入學生在效能預期層面的學習自我效能,具有顯著但稍低於一般學生;第三,各類弱勢學生在學習任務價值部分層面上,具顯著但稍低於一般學生;最後,弱勢學生的未來時間觀與學習自我效能,分別對其學習任務價值具有顯著且為高度及中度的影響效果。此外,並依據前述研究結論,提出相關建議。
英文摘要 This study used questionnaires to understand current disadvantaged students' future time perspective, learning self-efficacy, and task value, to analyze the differences between disadvantaged students and non-disadvantaged students in these three variables, and to investigate the relations among disadvantaged students' future time perspective, learning self-efficacy, and task value. Disadvantaged students and non-disadvantaged students in Taipei city and New Taipei city were the subjects of questionnaires in this study. 491 questionnaires of disadvantaged students and 1,682 questionnaires of non-disadvantaged students were returned.
Factor analysis, MANOVA and structural equation models were used for data analysis. Several important results were found. First, in general, the single parenthood students' future time perspective is significantly lower than non-disadvantaged students. The learning self-efficacy of the single parenthood students and low-middle income students are significantly lower than non-disadvantaged students. Third, disadvantaged students' task values are significantly lower than non-disadvantaged students. Finally, disadvantaged students' future time perspective and learning self-efficacy have important effects on their task value. Furthermore, on the basis of above conclusions, several suggestions are provided for disadvantaged students and further studies.
頁次 001-044
關鍵詞 未來時間觀;弱勢學生;學習自我效能;學習任務價值;future time perspective;disadvantaged students;learning self-efficacy;task value
卷期 11:1
日期 201206
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院