

篇名 “读书无望”比贫困更可怕——农村辍学儿童的个案研究
並列篇名 Schooling Hopelessness is More Terrible Than Poverty: A Drop-out Case of Rural Children
作者 李海燕
中文摘要 农村义务教育阶段的辍学问题长期困扰着我国义务教育的发展。虽然我国义务教育阶段已经实施了“两免一补”等措施,但中小学辍学现象依然屡禁不止,农村尤为凸显。“读书无望论”的文化思想观念造成了青少年对知识追求的淡漠,成为农村儿童辍学的主要原因。通过个案的深入分析,有助于我们对农村教育问题的深入理解,从而对有效控制和防止农村辍学现象具有一定的启示。
英文摘要 The dropout of compulsory education in rural areas is perplexing the development of China's compulsory education for long time. Although the stage of compulsory education in China has implemented the “two exemptions and compensation” measures, it still repeated in primary and secondary schools, and it is particularly prominent in rural areas. “School hopeless” keeps the young indifferent in pursuing knowledge. It has become the main reason for the dropout in rural areas. The case-depth analysis would help us to form a comprehensive understanding and reflection, and thus gives us some enlightenments in the control and prevention of the drop-out phenomenon in rural areas.
頁次 061-064
關鍵詞 农村儿童 辍学 个案研究 Rural Children A Drop-out Case Analysis
卷期 7:11
日期 201011
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學