

篇名 The Internationalization of Curriculum Studies Revisited
作者 Pinar, William-F.
中文摘要 本文作者報導一項正在美國進行中之組織性的學術運動,名為「課程研究之國際化」。他討論「國際課程研究促進學會」(IAACS)及其美國分會「美國課程研究促進學會」之創立過程,並且論及「國際課程手冊」的相關內涵,該手冊也包括了台灣的相關資料。最後,本文也提供未來國際課程研究相關事件的訊息,其中包括每三年一次而首次將於上海華東師範大學舉行之IAACS。
英文摘要 The author reports on an organizational and intellectual movement underway in the United States known as “ the internationalization of curriculum studies.” He discusses the inauguration of the Internationalization Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies and its American affiliate. The American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies as well as attention to International Handbook of Curriculum, in which Taiwan is represented. Finally, there is information regarding future events, including the first triennial meeting of IAACS. To be held at East China Normal University in Shanhgai.
頁次 83-114
關鍵詞 課程研究 Curriculum organization Internationalization curriculum study Curriculum study 課程組織 課程研究國際化
卷期 1:2
日期 200210
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院