

篇名 影響成人教育工作者知識管理能力因素之跨層次分析
並列篇名 A Study for Multi-Level Analysis of Adult Education Workers' Knowledge Management Abilities: An Application of Hierarchical Linear Model
作者 蕭佳純(Hsiao, Chia-chun) 、胡夢鯨(Hu, Meng-ching)
中文摘要 因應知識管理的趨勢與終身學習的潮流,成人教育工作者必須不斷透過學習以持續發展知識管理的能力。另一方面,研究者逐漸藉由跨層次分析模式探討不同系絡因素對個體行為的影響,而其中最為研究者注意的分析方法為層級線性模式。因此,本研究以個體層次之終身學習素養與群體層次之知識導向的人力資源管理系統(KHRM)為自變數,探討兩者對成人教育工作者知識管理能力的影響。本研究透過對24 所社區大學,106 位行政人員的調查,使用層級線性模式分析變數之間的關係。結果顯示,終身學習素養(學習認知、學習技能、學習情意)對知識管理能力有顯著的直接影響效果,KHRM 不具有直接影響,但卻扮演調節效果角色,其中,教育訓練及績效考核在學習技能與知識管理能力之間為正向調節效果,而薪酬組合在學習情意與知識管理能力之間,則扮演負向調節效果的角色。針對上述結果,本研究提出相關的討論與建議。
英文摘要 Previous work on knowledge management abilities has focus on either organization or individual-level analysis. The current study is the first we are aware of in which multilevel theory and method were applied to knowledge management abilities. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between lifelong learning literacy and knowledge management abilities of adult education workers. This study focused on the influences of lifelong learning literacy as an individual level and knowledge-based human resource management system (KHRM) as a group level on the knowledge management abilities of adult education workers. The sample of the study consisted of 106 workers from 24 community universities in Taiwan. The findings showed that lifelong learning cognition, lifelong learning skills and lifelong learning attitude directly affected the knowledge management abilities. On the other hand, pay mix, performance appraisal and educational training played a role of positive moderating effects in the explanation for the relationships among learning skills , learning attitude, and knowledge management abilities. Based on the results, the study also provided some discussions and suggestions.
頁次 1-36
關鍵詞 多層次分析 知識管理能力 知識導向之人力資源管理系統 終身學習素養 層級線性模式 Hierarchical linear model Knowledge-based human resource management system Knowledge management abilities Lifelong learning literacy Multilevel analysis TSSCI
卷期 29
日期 200712
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系