

篇名 法国医学院校人文社会科学课程及其特色
並列篇名 The Overview and Characteristics of Humanities Curriculums in French Medical Schools
作者 蒯强
中文摘要 1992年,法国教育部和卫生部首次联合颁布了在医学院校加强人文社会科学课程的建设和开展相关教学的指导性文件。自此以后各医学院校都开设了这方面的不同的课程。有关部门对此还不断进行检查,总结经验教训,提出问体,改进方法,取得了良好的效果。本文重点介绍了法国医学院校人文社会科学课程的教学特色,利于我们学习和借凿,以促进我们这方面工作效果的提高。
英文摘要 In 1992, the France Education Department and the Public Health Department jointly issue the Direction Documents on the strengthen of humanities curriculums establishment and implement. Since then, each medical school open kinds of courses in humanities, and also checked by related departments. They also collect the lessons and experiences, put forward questions, improve the methods and achieve good result. The article focuses on introduction of the characteristics of Humanities Curriculums in French Medical Institute, and the author hopes it can provide us more experiences and best practice to learn as well as to improve our work.
頁次 93-95
關鍵詞 医学教育 人文社会科学 课程 教学 法国 Medical education humanities curriculum teaching France CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200401
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學