

篇名 在有趣的音樂活動中培育兒童的創造力
並列篇名 Cultivating Children’s Creativity through Interesting Music Activities
作者 劉永慈(Lau, Wing-chi) 、許佩玲(Hui, Pui-ling)
中文摘要 香港幼稚園的音樂課程,多側重於學習唱新歌、樂器訓練等,且多以教師為主導,很少給予兒童創意思考的機會。本硏究旨在探討幼稚園運用有趣的音樂肢體活動提升兒童創意的可行性。研究過程採取實驗組及控制組形式分前測、實驗教學和後測三個階段進行研究,並以軼事記錄觀察表、兒童表現評量表及錄影帶對兒童的音樂與肢體活動創意所得的資料作出評估,展示16名5-6歲的高班兒童在接受創意音樂肢體方案中的創意表現,並作出討論和分析。研究結果顯示教師在音樂活動中加入創意音樂肢體動作的「音樂元素」、「肢體動作元素」、「創造元素」能提升兒童的創意。教師的角色及其教學方法、適切的課程設計、創意的物料和開放的環境有助提升兒童的創意的潛能。
英文摘要 In Hong Kong, the present music class activities place too much emphasis on traditional topics such as learning new songs and musical instrument training. These activities are teacher-oriented and lack diversified creativity, which unlikely inspires children or develop creative thinking. This study explores the feasibility of using creative musical movement activities to enhance children’s creativity. A total of 16 children (aged from 5-6) were divided into experimental and control groups and the study was conducted in three stages: pre-testing, experimental teaching, and post-testing. Using direct observation, a rating scale, and video-taping, the children’s musical behavior and movement were examined for further discussion and analysis. The results reveal that adding creative, musical, and bodily movement elements enhances children’s creativity while the teachers’ characteristics, teaching methods, appropriate curriculum design, and provision of creative materials and wide-open environments additionally enhance children’s creative talent.
頁次 001-034
關鍵詞 兒童 音樂活動 創造力 young children music activities creativity
卷期 23
日期 201306
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所