

篇名 进城务工人员随迁子女学校教师发展状况的调研报告--以上海市M区为例
並列篇名 Investigation Report on Teacher Development of Schools for Rural Migrant Workers' Children in Shanghai
作者 黄忠敬 、冯靓琰
中文摘要 对上海市M 区的进城务工人员随迁子女学校的教师发展状况的调研发现,自2008年上海政府将进城务工人员随迁子女学校纳入民办管理之后,师资力量得到明显改善,教师的工作满意度提高,专业发展的需求越来越旺盛。教师发展逐渐由流动转向稳定,由规模扩张转向能力建设,由生存型向发展型转变。未来的教师成长需要政府从资金、待遇和专业等方面提供支持,通过个体主动发展和集体合作来提升教师的整体质量。
英文摘要 An investigation report on teacher development of schools for rural migrant workers' children in Shanghai shows that the teacher quality and satisfaction are improving, from mobilization to stabilization, from scale expansion to connotation construction, from survival to professional development, while teachers have a strong need to develop the profession after government manages these schools. The trend to teacher development in these schools will need government support, individual effort and collective collaboration.
頁次 056-067
關鍵詞 进城务工人员随迁子女 民办学校 教师发展 上海 the children of rural migrant workers non-state schools teacher development shanghai
卷期 9:6
日期 201212
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學