

篇名 学校德育的困境与出路
並列篇名 School Moral Problems and Solutions
作者 刘竑波
中文摘要 教育德性应当是中小学教育追求的首要目标,但在现实中,实现这一目标却存在着很多阻力。本文针对目前我国中小学德育的困境,探析其中原因,并提出相应对策。
英文摘要 The primary target of education in primary and secondary education should be the pursuit of virtue. But there are still a lot of resistances in reality to achieve this goal. This paper will describe the dilemma of school moral education, analyze the reasons of dilemma, and propose the solutions to solve it.
頁次 15-18
關鍵詞 学校德育困境 原因 出路 school moral dilemma the reasons of moral dilemma the solutions to solve the school moral dilemma
卷期 6:12
日期 200912
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學