

篇名 [教学交往]研究之我见
並列篇名 Personal Perspective on the Research of Teaching Interaction
作者 王宏军 、王丽琴
中文摘要 教学交往的已有研究存在着多种角度的分歧,其关系定位、对[交往]的理解以及研究的方法论都不尽相同,出现了一定程度的自说自话、各自为阵、互不[交往]的现象。要想有所突破,必须澄清相关理论范畴、回归本真的教学世界、引领现实的教学改革。
英文摘要 The informed research of Teaching Interaction had multiple bifurcations, which differing from each other in connection orientation, comprehension of interaction and research methodology. So following phenomena came into being, such as [self-involved] [standing apart] [to be completely isolated from each other]. To make a breakthrough, we must clarify the relative category, regress the reality teaching world, usher in the actual teaching innovation.
頁次 49-53
關鍵詞 教学交往 教学论 教学本质 教学世界 teaching interaction teaching methodology teaching essence teaching world
卷期 6:9
日期 200909
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學