

篇名 師資培育統整課程設計暨教學策略之探討
並列篇名 Integrated Curriculum and Instruction for Teacher Preparation Programs
作者 陳玉蘭(Chen, Yu-lan)
中文摘要 本文主要目的在探討如何培育能設計與實施統整教學的師資。全文分為參部份,第一部分探討國外師資培育統整課程設計的三種參考模式,包括:(1)Manitoba大學自助餐型態的學習經驗,(2)Wright大學的科學教育方案,(3)Illinois大學的築橋方案;第二部分探討有助於培育推動九年一貫課程師資的教學策略:(1)自我調控的學習,(2)反省教學法,(3)案例教學法。本文最後建議:(1)為師資生開設語文、健康與體育、數學、社會、藝術與心文、自然與生活科技、綜合活動等七種領域學程,輔導其先在一個領域內選課;(2)注重專業學科與專門學科的統整;(3)在普通課程中規劃資訊、環境、兩性、人權、生涯發展、家政等六大議題的學習內容;(4)多採用以學生為中心的教學策略;(5)研究多種教學方法、探討教室實例。
英文摘要 This article discuss ways of designing and implementing integrated curriculum and instruction in order to prepare competent pre-service teachers. It includes three parts. The first part describes three integrated curriculum models:(1)the Cafeteria Style Learning Experience at the University of Manitoba(Canada);(2)the Science Education Program at Wright State University(Ohio);and (3)the Building Bridges Program at Illinois State University. The second part discusses three teaching strategies to foster integrated curriculum:(1)Self-Regulated learning;(2)Reflective Teaching;and (3)Case Methodologies.The last part proposes five suggestions. First, students should be provided with the courses related to :(1)language and literature, (2)health and physical education, (3)mathematics, (4)social science, (5)arts and humanities, (6)nature, science and technology, as well as (7)integrated extracurricular activities so that they can choose one area to focus on. Second, professional education and academic education should be integrated. Third, general education should familiarize students with the six topics on information technology, environment, gender equity, human rights, career development and home economics. Fourth, teachers should use student-centered teaching strategy to cultivate students’ reflective and inquiring attitude. Finally, the content of teaching methodology should include a variety of teaching strategies. Also, the textbooks should present authentic classroom-interaction examples, such as dialogues between teachers and students as well as interactions among peers.
頁次 65-85
關鍵詞 統整課程 教學策略 師資培育 Integrated curriculum Teaching strategy Teacher education TSSCI
卷期 18
日期 200206
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系