

篇名 教学策略的三维研究视角
並列篇名 Three Angles on Research of Teaching Strategy
作者 书义平
中文摘要 教学策略是心理学、教育学和教育技术学等诸多领域共同关心的一个课题,对其研究已形成客体教学策略研究、对象教学策略研究、主体教学策略研究等三维研究视角;教学策略的三维研究使人们得以在更广阔的背景中理解教学策略,从更高层次上指导教学方法的探索与运用,并为教师的成长及教育提供心理发展之理论依据。而在研究与实践过程中,对教学策略的研究视角应根据不同的价值取向而定。
英文摘要 Teaching strategy is a common topic on research of psychology, pedagogy and educational technology. The research of teaching strategy has formed three angles which are exterior research, objective research and subjective research. The three research angles have enlarged the research filed of teaching strategy and guide people to explore and practice the teaching method on a higher level. They also offer a theoretic basis for teacher’s development and training. A research angle should be selected according to the value orientation of specific research and practice.
頁次 29-33
關鍵詞 教学策略 subjective teaching strategy objective teaching strategy exterior teaching strategy teaching strategy 主体教学策略 对象教学策略 客体教学策略 CSSCI
卷期 18:1
日期 200601
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心