

篇名 改革開放30年來我國大學校長角色與制度的變遷與反思
並列篇名 The Evolution and Reflection on the Role-playing and its Related Regulations of Chinese University President in Recent 30 Years
作者 陳遠超
中文摘要 作者通过回顾改革开放30年里的几个影响大学校长治校活动的重要历史实践,对大学校长的角色与制度问题进行了研究。作者认为我国近30年的大学校长角色具有定位行政化、运行组织化和期待多元化等3个特点。同时,作者还对此进行了反思,提出并讨论了如何定位大学校长的角色、如何建构大学校长角色实现的制度保障体系、如何有效施行与有效监督大学校长的治校权利、如何有效建立大学校长的产生与退出机制等问题。
英文摘要 The role-playing and its related regulation of Chinese university president in recent 30 years is the theme of this paper, and the method of historical study is adopted with the emphasis on the important events. The major conclusion is that the role played by the Chinese university presidents so far has been bureaucratized, and its running organized, expectation multiplied. The following questions are proposed and discussed: how to position the university president, how to construct the regulation system to guarantee university president playing the legitimate role, how to run and supervise the power owned by the university president, and how to select and dismiss the university president.
頁次 48-52
關鍵詞 historical study higher education management university administration university president 歷史研究 高等教育管理 高等學校 大學校長 CSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200901
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學