

篇名 大学教师知识分子身份意识的理性透视
並列篇名 A Rational Perspective of Identity Awareness of University Teachers as Intellectuals
作者 王志林
中文摘要 知识分子身份意识是指在身份定位上具有知识分子角色的自我认知,即对自己的角色行为、角色使命、角色追求和角色生存方式等具有知识分子的自我体认。大学教师具有知识分子的外在形态和成为知识分子的无限可能性。但是,大学教师在教学中的实然表现与知识分子所追求的价值旨趣是根本悖离的,而根源就在于大学教师知识分子身份意识的缺失。为此,应该通过践行”以人为本”的价值理想、建构”课堂共同体”、提升理性批判意识等策略,唤醒大学教师的知识分子身份意识。
英文摘要 The identity awareness of an intellectual refers to his self─consciousness of being an intellectual on his status orientation, that is, the intellectual awareness of his behavior, mission and pursuit, and the survival way of his own role. A university teacher is of the exterior configuration and infinite possibility to be an intellectual. However, a university teacher’s actual performance ultimately deviates from the intellectual value orientation, which is caused by absence of identity awareness of university teachers as intellectuals. Therefore, we will promote rational critical consciousness through such strategies as carrying out a value ideal of “people first” and constructing a “classroom community”.
頁次 16-20
關鍵詞 identity awareness of intellectual 大学教师 intellectual university teacher 知识分子身份意识 知识分子 CSSCI
卷期 20:2
日期 200803
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心