

篇名 論凱興斯泰的教師觀及其現實意義
並列篇名 Toward the Kerschenstiner’s ideas on teachers
作者 吳秋芬 、劉健兒
中文摘要 凯兴斯泰纳是德国著名教育家,公民教育和劳作教育思想是其教育思想的核心,然而其教育思想中的教师观却一直没有引起人们关注。凯兴斯泰纳教师观的主要内容有:裀识不能成为评价一个人是否是教师的惟一标准,一个仅仅具有一些理论知识的人不能称之为一个真正的教师,判断一个教师是否合格更应该从实践的角度,教师应该是一个“实践的教育者”;教师应具有受的倾向与热情、教育机智、对个性诊断的能力、人格影响力等素质。凯兴斯泰纳的教育思想具有很强的现实意义。
英文摘要 Kerschenstiner is a reno wned German educator. His ideas of citizen education and labor education are the core of his educational thoughts, but his views on teachers are neglected. The main ideas of Kerschenstiner’s view are that the knowledge is not the only standard to evaluate a teacher. A teacher who only owns some theoretical knowledge can not be called a true teacher. The practical experience is the key factor to judge whether a teacher is qualified or not. A teacher should be a "practical educator". Teachers should have the traits of love and passion, educational wisdom, with the ability of diagnosis of personality and personality influence and so on. His educational thoughts are of strong realistic significance.
頁次 71-75
關鍵詞 Practical significance educational wisdom teacher quality educator pedagogical teacher George Kerschenstiner 現實意義 教育機智 教師素質 教育人的教師 教育學概念的教師 凱興斯泰納 CSSCI
卷期 31:1
日期 200901
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所