

篇名 我国大学人文教育的反思与重构
並列篇名 Reflection and Reconstruction of the Humanistic Education in China’s Universities
作者 张金福 、薛天祥
中文摘要 我国大学人文教育自近代以后出现了诸多问题:人文教育受到科学教育的遮蔽,位序式微;人文教育科学化、政治化、意识形态化、形式化,导致人文教育中的人文性缺场。要改变大学人文教育的这种境况,就得重构大学人文教育。
英文摘要 Many problems have emerged in the humanistic education in China’s universities. For example, humanistic education has been shadowed over by science education. It has also been scientized, politicized, ideologized and formalized and as a result, the Humanity in the humanistic Education ahs been lost. In order to improve this circumstance, our universities should reconstruct their humanistic education.
頁次 75-80
關鍵詞 人文教育 reconstruction scientism humanistic education 重构 科学化 CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200410
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學