

篇名 民本教育:传统与变革
並列篇名 Civilian-Based Education: Traditions and Reforms
作者 郭荣球
中文摘要 历史上,民本教育具有优良的传统。在新时代,传统的民本教育在质量观、价值观、发展观上出现了不适与危机。因此,有必要对民本教育进行改革,以赋予其新的涵义。
英文摘要 In history civilian-based education has its outstanding traditions. Facing the new era, the traditional civilian-based education has incurred certain inaptitude and crisis in the concept of quality, value and development. Therefore, it’s very necessary to reform the current civilian-based education and give it new meanings.
頁次 59-62
關鍵詞 民本教育 传统 不适与危机 新义 Civilian-based education tradition inaptitude and crisis new meanings CSSCI
卷期 2:5
日期 200409
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學