

篇名 日本「民間人士校長」制度實施的經驗在學習領導改革上的意義
並列篇名 The Meaning of the System of "Principles without Educational Profession Background" to the Educational Reforms about Leadership for Learning in Japan
作者 劉語霏
中文摘要 本文旨在分析與探討「民間人士校長」制度改革的緣起與經過,剖析其實施狀況、影響與課題,闡釋其所象徵之學習領導改革的意義,以供國人借鏡參考。研究結果發現,近年來,日本在學校領導上的改革動向首先在於強調基層學校組織中校長領導能力的提升與裁量權的擴大,因此,符合特色學校建設理念與以學生學習領導為中心的「民間人士校長」制度再度受到重視。繼而,在多起學生因校園霸凌與體罰而自殺之事件發生後,地方教育行政單位的組織機能不健全、教育領導不適當之根本問題逐漸浮出檯面,而開始關注其角色定位的修正與領導能力的改善。本文以為,日本若干地區推動「民間人士校長」制度改革「試誤學習」的過程,值得國人正視;而其所獲致的「建立以學生學習為中心的學校教育不應該等同於建立以學生意見為中心的學校教育」的體驗,更值得國人省思。
英文摘要 This paper aims to analyze and explore the origin and history of the reform of the adoption system of " Principles without Educational Profession Background (the original term: Private Citizen Principal Adoption System). "    Through examining its practices, impacts and concerning issues in Japan, this paper elaborates the ideas the system symbolizes in the educational reform about leadership for learning and thus serves as the reference for Taiwan's education. This study indicates that the educational reforms of leadership for learning in Japan in recent years begin with an emphasis on the enhancements of principles' leadership ability and expansion of their leading privilege in elementary and high schools. Thus, the system of " Principles without Educational Profession Background " is once again emphasized because of its correspondence with the concepts of featured schools and studentlearning- centric leading. Secondly, after several student suicides attributing from campus bullying and corporal punishment, the ill-function and insufficiency in educational leadership of local educational administrations gradually emerges, leading to the concerns about the re-positioning of local educational administrations and the improvement of the leadership abilities. This paper asserts that the try-and-error of the system of " Principles without Educational Profession Background "    in certain areas in Japan should be an important case study for Taiwan. The idea that the student-learning-centric education should not equal to the student-opinion-centric education inferred from their experience should as well serves for our z-reference.
頁次 129-144
關鍵詞 日本 學習領導 教育改革 「民間人士校長」制度 Japan leadership for learning educational reforms the adoption system of
卷期 229
日期 201305
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司