

篇名 從施教者觀點分析我國高等教育質與量之適當性
並列篇名 A Study on the Quality and Quantity of Higher Education in Taiwan: The Teachers' Perspectives
作者 楊瑩 、楊國賜 、黃家凱 、許宗仁
中文摘要 本研究係從施教者(教師)之觀點,分析我國高等教育學生(含大學生及研究生)數量與品質的適當性。除採用文件分析法外,並以問卷調查法為主、實地訪談法及專家諮詢座談為輔進行研究,並以自編之調查問卷為工具,以及採用自行設計的半結構式訪談大綱進行訪談工作。研究主要結論與發現,在學生數量方面:一、對目前我國大學校院學生人數是否適當,不能從總人數來衡量,且未有定論;二、大多數樣本認為我國大學校院學生數量有減少之必要;三、學生數量擴充對我國社會之影響有正面評價,也有負面評價;四、技職校院若以應用學科人才培育為主,從就業市場需求考量,其所占比例可以再增加,或透過市場機制調節。在學生品質方面:一、評量學生品質的指標應具備多元性;二、對我國大學校院學生品質之肯定以電腦應用能力最高;三、對目前學生的素質方面持負面評價較高之項目包括學生的外語能力、專業技能、學習態度、讀書風氣、解決問題、自我管理、與人溝通及獨立思考分析等能力,然而,這些負面的評價也依大學生、碩士生及博士生三個層級而有不同;且對大學生持負面看法者多於研究生;四、受訪者對目前大學校院學生品質好壞的判斷,是以自己當年的情形來做兩代間之比較,而非以既定的能力指標來衡量。
英文摘要 cultivate the talents or professionals in the applied sciences, the number of their intakes can be expanded further, while taking the growing demand of labour market into consideration. As to the quality of higher education, four conclusions have been drawn. The first is that the indicators for assessing the quality of students should be more diversified. Secondly, the competence of students in information technology has been valued highly by the majority of respondents. Thirdly, students' competence in English or other languages, their attitudes towards learning, independent critical analysis, and interpersonal relationship with others vary with the level of students, but their ability in the above noted aspects need to be improved and further trained. Finally, it is found that the respondents or interviewees tend to use their own experiences as their main reference for comparison while assessing the quality of students, rather than using a set of objective indicators or standard of students learning outcomes.
頁次 001-044
關鍵詞 施教者觀點 高等教育 質與量 適當性 teachers' perspective higher education quality and quantity suitability
卷期 6:1
日期 201106
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會