

篇名 西方教育公平实践的历史演进--基于社会政治哲学的视角
並列篇名 The History of the Western Equality of Education from the Point of View of Sociopolitical Philosophy
作者 华桦
中文摘要 教育公平是一个历史的相对的概念。在西方资本主义国家,直到以税收资助教育的公共教育制度形成以后,人们才真正产生了对教育公平的自觉追求。其后的两百年里,教育公平随着教育制度的演变而不断发展。从社会政治哲学的角度,教育公平的演变可分为五个阶段:保守主义阶段、自由主义阶段、激进自由主义阶段、新保守主义阶段、第三条道路阶段。
英文摘要 The equality of education is a historical and relative concept. The people didn’t pursue the equality of education self-consciously until the public educational system came into being in the western capitalistic countries. After that, the equality of education has been developing according to the change of the educational system. From the sociopolitical philosophy point of view, the development of the equality of education is divided into five phases including conservatism, liberalism, radical liberalism, neo-conservatism, the Third Way.
頁次 3-6
關鍵詞 教育公平 保守主义 自由主义 第三条道路 equality of education conservatism liberalism the Third Way
卷期 6:9
日期 200909
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學