

篇名 日本学力观的变革及启示
並列篇名 Reform of Conception of Learning Competence in Japan
作者 郭晓娜
中文摘要 日本学力观的变迁,经历了战后的新教育学力观、系统主义学力观、人本主义学力观、生存主义学力观。当前的新学力观是日本教育走向成熟的标志,它是承继既往几者的核心理念并交相融合,所形成一种多元概念和内涵丰富的学力观。配合新学力观的教育评价主要采用目标评价为主的学力类别评价,而学力类别的评价通过评价标准的制定与基准的设定予以具体化和明确化。
英文摘要 Many factors have contributed to the transformation of Japanese conception of learning competence, including the external factors such as politics, social change and economic policy, and the internal factors such as the educational issues caused by the specific views on learning competence in different times. The transformation has undergone the following stages after the second world war:\"New-Education-oriented", "systemism-oriented", "Humanism-oriented", "Existentialism-oriented". The current conception of learning competence integrates the above conceptions and becomes a multi-conception of learning competence, signifying its stepping into maturity. The educational assessment along the new conception of learning competence focuses on the categories of learning, trying to make the evaluation specific and clear by making evaluating standards.
頁次 17-21
關鍵詞 日本教育改革 学力观 新学力观 Japanese educational reform conception of learning competence new conception of learning competence
卷期 7:1
日期 201001
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學