

篇名 論述高等教育經營之策略:以S.W.O.T為例
並列篇名 A Study on the Strategic Analysis of Higher Education Management: Using the S.W.O.T. Model
作者 湯堯(Tang, Yao)
中文摘要 隨著近年來國外高等教育的蓬勃發展,國內高等教育的學校機構校數也於近幾年大量的擴充 ,預估至2001年,大學校院數目將達到150所,其經營型態轉變勢必隨教育改革與社會變化而有不同的因應策略;再則又如何在量的擴充後,質的部份能有所突破,便形成現階段高等教育經營的重點,同時因應知識經濟(knowledge-based economy)的人力培育之需求,與即將加入國際貿易組織(WTO)的國際競爭與挑戰下,高等教育的經營管理勢必遭受空前的型態改變與應有的革新策略。故本報告內容除了提出方法論之外,尚針對目前高等教育的環境現況、大學院校本身的內部資源與外部環境的資料蒐集,並依此進行S.W.O.T分析,以具體提出高等教育經營與行銷策略組合。最後本報告結論建議高等教育經營方向應以三大方向為發展主軸,即人力資源與知識經濟;經費資源與產學互動;與國際交流與本土特色。
英文摘要 The management accountability of higher education has become an important area for the analysis of higher education research. In particular, there will be nearly 150 institutions of higher education in Taiwan from the year of 2001. Thus, the competition and strategy within the higher education market is the important issue while more institutions come out. This paper examines aspects of those strategies. The characteristics of higher education system are concerned in this paper as well, say, personnel management, financial independence, and specialty on curriculum, under the structure of university democracy and academic freedom. Furthermore, the S.W.O.T. analysis(strength;weakness;opportunity;threats)can be utilized as means of monitoring the strategy management of higher education, assessing the higher education policies and forecasting the future trends of higher education management. Three domains suggested in this paper focuses on are ‘human resource and knowledge creator”, ‘finance and multidiscipline”, ‘globalization and localization”. These domains will become the main issues during the process of undertaking the research of management accountability and fundraising strategies of higher education development for the future.
頁次 147-161
關鍵詞 高等教育 策略分析 S.W.O.T.分析 管理績效 募款策略 Higher education Strategy analysis S.W.O.T Management accountability Fundraising TSSCI
卷期 17
日期 200106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系