

篇名 博洛尼並進程中意大利高等教育學位制度改革
並列篇名 Reform on Higher Education Degree in Italy in the Context of Bologna Process
作者 佛朝暉
中文摘要 “采用以两个层次为主的学位体系”是“博洛尼并进程”改革中的重要内容。为融入欧洲高等教育区,继续推行高等教育自治和克服传统高等孝学位制度的弊端,意大利政府在《博洛尼并宣言》颁布后实施学位制度改革,引入了“3+2”双层学位制度。本文在分析意大利实施学位制度改革的背景与动因的基础上,阐述了其改革措施、改革中遇到的问题与解决方法,以期对我国高等教育学位制度改革有所借鉴。
英文摘要 Adopting a system essentially based on two main cycles is the important content in the reform of Bologna Process. In order to join in the European Higher Education Area, continue the policy of university autonomy and overcome the disadvantage of the traditional degree system, the Italian government has carried out a new degree system reform by introduction of the “3+2” two cycles of degree (Laurea and Laurea specialistica) after the Bologna Declaration. The paper introduces the contents, measures and effects of the reform based on the analysis of the context and motivation of the degree reform. It explores the problems and resolution during the reform which can be useful to the degree reform in China.
頁次 67-70
關鍵詞 3+2 two cycles of degree Italian Higher Education The Bologna Process 3+2雙層學位制度 意大利高等教育 博洛尼並進程 CSSCI
卷期 31:1
日期 200901
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所