

篇名 科学呼唤人文,人文导引科学
並列篇名 Science calls for humanity and humanity guides science
作者 王义遒
中文摘要 本文从发展科学角度阐述人文对科学的重要性。主要是从科学研究的动机、目标、态度、方法和科学应用等几个方面说明科学必须以人文为主导。文章从界定科学与人文的概念出发,以理论分析和实例印证两个方面提出并讨论了四个问题,即:人文是科学创造的动力源,人文是科学态度的试金石,人文是科学途程的指路灯,人文是科学应用的方向盘。
英文摘要 In this paper the importance of the humanistic factors in developing the sciences is illustrated. Analyzing the motivation, goals, attitude, methodology and the application of scientific researches, the author reached the conclusion that the science must be guided by the humanity. Starting from the definition of the concepts for the science and the humanity and exploring by the theoretical analysis and the facts and cases, the author raised and discussed the propositions, i.e. the humanistic factors are the motive force of the scientific creation, the touchstone for the scientific attitude, the beacon lighting for the scientific methods of thinking and doing, and the guide for the science applications.
頁次 17-20
關鍵詞 科学 人文 科学创造 科学态度 科学方法 科学应用 sciences humanity scientific creation scientific attitude scientific methods science applications CSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 200303
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學