

篇名 归国人员在高等教育领域的地位及变迁
並列篇名 Coming Home to Teach: Status and Mobility of Returnees in China’s Higher Education
作者 李成 文 、许嫣嫣
中文摘要 本文根据作者整理的两大数据库提供了关于归国人员情况的量化分析。一是来自中国前134所大学中936明现任高层管理人员〈校长、党委书记、副校长、党委副书记〉的简历。二是在中国排名前25的大学中任教的2044名归国人员的简历。基于这些数据,可以看出中国高等教育领域中归国人员状况的变化趋势、分布情况以及流动性。对于归国人员特征的描述能帮助我们更好地探讨至观重要的问题:那就是面对国家教育政策的变化,中国大学的师资〈无论是受本土教育还是受海外教育〉需要做哪些定位、调整和改进?
英文摘要 This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the biographical information in two databases recently constructed by the author. The first database includes 850 current senior administrators (presidents, party secretaries and their deputies) of China’s top 100 universities. The second database contains about 2,100 returnees who currently teach at the top 25 universities in the country. With the data, one can grasp the status, distribution, mobility and trends of returnees in China’s higher education. A discussion of the characteristics of returnees helps us more intelligently address the crucial question: What kinds of reorientation, adjustments    and improvements are necessary for educations ant Chinese universities-both trained at home and abroad- to meet the new challenges of both their rapidly developing disciplines and the ever-changing country?
頁次 26-38
關鍵詞 归国人员 高等教育 人力资源 Returnee higher education human resource CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200401
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學