

篇名 从”反殖民”到”自我殖民”?
並列篇名 From “Anti-Colonialism” to “Self-Colonialism”?
作者 陈兴德
中文摘要 本文认为,美国学者阿尔特巴赫《学术殖民主义在行动:美国认证他国大学》一文延续了其以依附理论和新殖民主义视角研究中国家高等教育问题的立场与风格,尽管其有关发展中国家高等教育依附发展的理论与方法值得商榷,但该文对我们人有很大的借凿意义。本文指出,在全球化背景下,必须正视发展中国家高等教育面临的危机,在中国高等教育国际化潮流中,进一步提升民族文化认同,推动中国高等教育现代化。
英文摘要 The author points out that although to some extent he himself doesn’t agree with Altbach about some theoretical points and some of his ways in the research of the dependent development of higher education of developing countries, he admits that Altbach gives us much valuable advice in his newly published paper which still represents his stance and style in the higher education research of the developing countries on the base of the dependence theory and new colonialism. For example, we should face upon the serious situation of developing countries’ higher education in this globalization times, and we need pay more attention to the importance of the self-identity to our traditional culture during the internationalization course of Chinese higher education.
頁次 58-60
關鍵詞 学术殖民 自我殖民 文化认同 Academic colonialism self-colonialism self-identity to culture CSSCI
卷期 2:2
日期 200403
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學