

篇名 Tales of Good-heartedWomen: A Comparison of Gustave Flaubert's “Un Coeur simple”and Gertrude Stein's “The Good Anna”
並列篇名 善心女人的故事:比較福婁拜的〈一顆單純的心〉和史坦恩的〈好安娜〉
作者 張學美(Chang, Shuei-may)
中文摘要 這篇論文主要是比較兩個好心老女人的故事,一個是法國作家福婁拜的〈一顆單純的心〉,另一個是美國作家史坦恩所寫的〈好安娜〉。〈好安娜〉是史坦恩第一本書《三個生命》中的第一個故事,這個故事的起源之一就是福婁拜的〈一顆單純的心〉,而福婁拜的故事也是一本選集《三個故事》中的一個,兩個故事都是有關一名女僕如何犧牲奉獻、幫助主人及朋友的過程。雖然題材一樣,主旨和表現方式卻大異其趣,福婁拜的故事把女僕菲莉西蝶描述成一位聖者,有著高潔的靈魂,而史坦恩筆下的安娜則狀似權威、實則對傳統馴服屈從,用以表達作者對女性被剝削的抗議。除此之外,福婁拜的故事採取客觀的敘述聲音,而史坦恩則巧妙的把人物的語言融合在敘述的聲音中,因此,史坦恩的故事來源雖然是福婁拜的小說,卻加上了反父權的要素,以及創新的敘事語言,改寫了女性犧牲自我的傳統情節,並賦與故事新的意義。
英文摘要 This paper compares two short stories of good-hearted spinster women. One is “Un Coeur simple”by French writer Gustave Flaubert, and the other is “The Good Anna”by American writer Gertrude Stein. “The Good Anna,” one of the three stories in Stein’s first book Three Lives, owes its origin partly to Flaubert’s “Un Coeur Simple,”which is also one of the three stories in a collection called Trois Contes. Both stories are about a female servant who sacrifices herself in working for her mistress and helping her friends. Although the subject is the same, the themes and the ways of presenting the kind women are very different. Flaubert's story celebrates the sacred soul of Félicité, who is portrayed as a saint-like figure. Stein's character Anna, on the other hand, suggests the author's protest against exploitation through Anna's seemingly authoritative but actually submissive attitude toward the social convention. Moreover, unlike the objective narrative voice in Flaubert's story, Stein deliberately blends the character's language into the total voice of the narration. Therefore, despite the literary debt, Stein rewrites the traditional plot about women's experience by adding the anti-patriarchal element and using innovative narrative language in the portrait of a sacrificial spinster and hence gives the story a new meaning.
頁次 085-092
關鍵詞 Gertrude Stein Gustave Flaubert “The Good Anna” “Un Coeur simple” Three Lives Trois Contes Women’s Studies 史坦恩 福婁拜 〈好安娜〉 〈一顆單純的心〉 《三個生命》 《三個故事》 女性研究
卷期 2
日期 200801
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學