

篇名 考研:一位乡村女教师年轻岁月里的选择——基于本人的个案研究
並列篇名 Pursuit for Graduate School:Choice of a Rural Female Teacher During My Young Age
作者 肖朝辉
中文摘要 教师是学校中第一位的资源,教师流失尤其是农村义务教育阶段教师的流失问题一直为世人所关注。近几年来,教师流失不仅没有得到有效遏制,反而有攀升的趋势。而目前,农村中小学教师流失的类型中,一支不容小觑的队伍就是考研一族。这类型教师以年轻人居多,年轻教师是学校的未来,也是学校发展的希望所在,此类教师的流失无疑使农村教育的发展雪上添霜。本文将在这样的背景下,以自己为个案研究对象,讲述自己的考研故事,进而探讨自己作为一位年轻乡村女教师选择考研的原因及心路历程。
英文摘要 The teachers in the schools are quite primary resource. The issue of teacher losing particular the teacher in the rural compulsory education stage has drawn people’s attention. In late years, this problem rises sharply instead that been effectively avoided. One important type of the teacher losing in the rural elementary and secondary school is for graduate student. Most of these teachers are young ones who are the future and hope of the schools, so it causes the rural education more tough. Based the same situation, the article chooses myself as a case study, describe the story of mine and analyses the reasons and process on the way for graduate student as a young rural teacher.
頁次 57-60
關鍵詞 乡村女教师 考研 心路历程 Rural female teacher Pursuit for graduate school Process
卷期 6:4
日期 200904
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學