

篇名 教学研讨文化与教师个性发展
並列篇名 Teaching ─ Researching Culture and Teachers’ Individuality Development
作者 岳欣云
中文摘要 教师的教学研讨是教师群体合作之一斑,是教师进行校本研究、促进专业提升和个性发展的重要途径。而目前的许多学校中常常把研讨课上成公开课,教师既不敢真实的暴露自己的问题,又不敢真诚的提出别人的问题,从而使教学研讨只停留在形式上,阻碍了教师个性的真实发展;或把教学研讨看成是自上而下的检查、评价教师的过程,造成了教师局囿于单兵作战的个人主义文化,也压抑了教师个性的主动发展。因此,只有把学习型研究文化作为教学研讨文化重建的方向,才能真正促进教师个性的发展。
英文摘要 Teachers’ teaching─researching is one kind of teacher cooperation, and it’s an important way of teacher’s school─based research conducting, profession promoting and individual development. The researching class becoming public class in present schools makes the teachers not only not reveal the problem, but also not honestly bring forward the problems of others, and the formalization of teaching research baffles the real development of teacher individual;the research modes from up to down causes the individual culture, hindering the initiative of teacher individual development. So, only learning─based teaching research as the direction of teaching─researching culture, can the individuals of teachers be really facilitated.
頁次 27-32
關鍵詞 教学研讨文化 teaching─researching culture teachers’ individuality development 教师个性发展 CSSCI
卷期 18:2
日期 200603
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心