

篇名 从平等到追求卓越 — 浅析韩国义务教育理念变迁
並列篇名 From Equality    to Excellence:Analysis of Shift of Compulsory Education Ideas in South Korea
作者 姜英敏
中文摘要 韩国自20世纪40年代实施义务教育制度以来,一直将”平等”作为义务教育的实施理念。而进入21世纪,韩国两度颁布《国家人力资源开发基本计划》,宣布要 成为人力资源强国,其义务教育理念也随之改变。本文对韩国义务教育理念的变迁过程进行分析,以期为我国义务教育研究提供借鉴。
英文摘要 South Korean compulsory education system began in the 1940s. Since then South Korea has been working for more than half century, with the idea of “equality” as they implement the compulsory education. However, after entering into the 21st century, the South Korean government promulgated twice the policy of “the National Fundamental Program of Human Resource Development” with a view to make the country strong in human resources. Accordingly, their educational idea has changed. This article focuses on the transformation of the idea of compulsory education in South Korea with the expectation of supplying reference to the research on compulsory education in our country.
頁次 62-66
關鍵詞 excellence equality compulsory education South Korea 卓越 平等 义务教育 韩国 CSSCI
卷期 30:12
日期 200812
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所