

篇名 构建终身教育体系    创建学习化社会 ─ 澳大利亚和新西兰的经验与启示
並列篇名 Developing a Lifelong Education System, Building a Learning Society:Australia and New Zealand’s Experiences
作者 郝克明 、王建
中文摘要 构建终身教育体系,推进终身学习已成为世界各国教育和培训政策的原则和目标。澳大利亚和新西兰作为世界上推进终身学习的领先国家,在发展各类学习组织和机构,满足个人和社会发展对学习的多样化需求,建立学习成就和资格认证框架,构建各类教育特别是职业教育培训与高等教育相互衔接和沟通的机制,实施终身学习政策,消除学习障碍等方面,有许多经验值得我们深入了解和研究。
英文摘要 Australia and New Zealand are the two countries leading the world in implementing lifelong learning systems. According to findings of our field visits to the countries in 2002, some of their experiences and strategies are worth our attention and future analysis. Such experiences include, for example, to develop a variety of learning organizations and institutions to meet diverse needs of individuals and society, to build certification mechanisms for learning outcomes, to construct cross─sector qualification linkages and carry out lifelong learning policies to remove obstacles in learning pathways.
頁次 105-112
關鍵詞 终身学习 lifelong education system a framework of education policies lifelong learning 教育政策框架 终身教育体系 CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200310
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學