

篇名 我國高等教育品質保證體系建構之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Constructing the Quality Assurance System of Higher Education in Taiwan
作者 王令宜
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討高等教育品質保證體系之要素及要素間之關係,進而提出適用於我國的高等教育品質保證體系。本研究採取德懷術與焦點團體座談,由16位專家學者組成德懷術諮詢小組,經過三回合問卷調查,建構我國高等教育品質保證體系草案。另外,為使所建構體系更完整適切,乃進行焦點團體座談,邀請7位專家學者就所建構體系及其適切性提出意見,以確立我國高等教育品質保證體系。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to explore the key elements of constructing a higher education quality assurance system in Taiwan. In addition, the relations between these elements have been examined to determine the appropriate quality assurance system that is suitable for the development of higher education in Taiwan. The methodology adopted by this study includes the Delphi technique and a focus group. This study arranged the Delphi technique, gathering materials from the other angle, with sixteen participating experts. Then, with the draft coming from the above process, the focus group was organized, consisting of seven experts, to clarify the higher education quality assurance system, and the elements that really have the effects. The findings of this study follow: 1. The elements of the higher education quality assurance system include the background elements, the goal elements, and the two sub systems, as the internal/external quality assurance. 2. The elements of the internal/external quality assurance are significantly affected by the background elements, and the goal elements. 3. There is a correlation between the internal and the external quality assurance, when it comes to the quality assurance system in Taiwan. 4. The findings of the study really fit the development of higher education in Taiwan. Some suggestions are proposed for the governmental administration, higher education institutions and quality assurance institutions as well, based on the findings.
頁次 039-069
關鍵詞 品質保證體系;高等教育;教育品質;quality assurance system;higher education;educational quality
卷期 7:1
日期 201206
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會