

篇名 十七世紀科學觀察與藝術想像的之視覺文化競合
並列篇名 Interactions and Competitions between Scientific Observation and Artistic Imagination in Terms of Visual Culture in the 17th Century Europe
作者 吳介祥(Wu, Chieh-hsiang)
中文摘要 在科技迅速擴張視覺感官範圍的現代,圖像理解似乎代替了論述式的知識脈絡。視覺經驗的擴張歷史可以推回十七世紀的科學和人文甦醒的時代。十七世紀的天文學發現改變了創世紀的詮釋,造成天文學與信仰的衝突,產生了圖像(image)和論述(discourse)的競爭。天文學和其他學科有不一樣的發展,其一是天文學的想像和象徵作用,其二是天文學豐富的圖像文化。天文學家和藝術家在中世紀便開始觀察自然,到了伽利略天文發現的十七世紀,觀察對科學和藝術都產生了重要的影響,也突破了教會勢力對自然宇宙詮釋的限制。從十七世紀的幾件天文學圖像和藝術作品來看,在天文學觀察和藝術想像之間產生了模型推理、觀察證據、科學真理和符號象徵、神學
英文摘要 In the modern epoch with technique advancements that have greatly extended our visual sensation, image realization seems to have largely replaced the traditional way of gaining knowledge through reasoning and elaboration. However, the history of the extension of visual sensation can be tracked back to the 17th century of the renaissance of science and humanity. The discovery of astronomy changed the interpretation of the
genesis of the universe and created not only the conflict between astronomy and religion belief but also the competition between image and discourse. Astronomy is different from other academic subjects with its ample imagination, its symbolism aspects and its culture of abundant images. Astronomers and artist started to observe nature in the Middle Ages.Observations began to have significant influence on both science and arts in the 17th century when Galileo first made the important discoveries in astronomy, which also broke the bound constrained by the Catholic Church on the interpretation of the natural universe.From the art works and astronomy images in the 17th century, we can see that astronomy observations and art imagination have significant competition and interaction among several different aspects, including model reasoning, observational evidence, scientific truths and symbolism, theological interpretation, and artistic Creation. Such competition
and interaction have given us abundant interesting historic records in visual culture. This also suggests that the use of images is more than a imitation of nature as viewed from Plato;but, in fact, it also has epistemological potential.
頁次 061-082
關鍵詞 視覺文化 伽利略 天文神話 天文藝術 風俗畫 Visual culture Galileo Mythology of astronomy Art of astronomy Genre painting
卷期 3:2
日期 201010
刊名 藝術研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學