

篇名 七十三學年度大學聯招制度變革對文法商科系排行榜重組與性別「職業隔離」之影響
並列篇名 The 1984 Change in Taiwan's Joint College Entrance Exam, Re-ranking of Colleges of Arts, Law, and Business, and the Decrease in Women's
作者 陶宏麟
中文摘要 我國大學聯招第一類組近年來的熱門科系均為法律系包辦,但早期文法商科系的錄取分數多以法律系墊底。本文檢視民國69至85學年度第一類組中主要科系的排名變化,發現法律系的竄起並非逐年來平緩的調整,而是由民國73學年度聯招改制開始,及至74學年度連續的排名大幅向上跳躍所帶起,再接以歷年波動平緩的調整所達成,而文組科系以對應的反向方式調整,排名大幅下跌,這種排名的跳躍以私立大學最為劇烈。女性考生傳統上較易被區隔成讀文(乙)組的最佳人選,舊制的乙丁分組聯招將性別「職業隔離」時間提前。數據顯示,新制聯招實施後,許多女性考生有捨文從法商的傾向,這也是法科志願前移及文科志願下降的主要動力,同時打破以往乙丁分組的「職業隔離」提前效果。
英文摘要 Law School has been the top choice of students taking Taiwan's college entrance exam in recent years; before 1984 Law School was the last choice. Before that year, the test for entering departments within the College of Arts was quite different from the entrance test used by both the College of Business and College of Law. In 1984 all three groups of students (potential enrollees in the Colleges of Arts, Business and Law) starting taking a much more unified exam, and Taiwan's Colleges of Law (Law School) jumped to a higher ranking in 1984 and 1985; thereafter the Law School ranking rose gradually to number one. The reason is that the ranking of a school is based on the difficulty of entering it, and this is a function of the number of possible applicants competing to enter it: this number increased as a result of the 1984 change in the entrance exam system. Also after 1984, women students-who previously tended to be restricted by the exam system to the College of Arts departments-started entering the Business and Law Colleges and thus moving into law and business related fields. The increasing number of women entering Law School is another important reason-closely tied to the one just mentioned-for the rise in Law School's ranking. The greater availability of Law and Business School to women also was a key factor in the overcoming of women's "occupational segregation," an implicit effect of the pre-1984 exam system. This study explores, then, in greater depth the mechanisms at work here: that is, the relation between the three factors: reform of the exam system, re-ranking of the Colleges of Arts, Law and Business, and the decreasing occupational segregation of women.
頁次 191-214
關鍵詞 大學聯考 排行榜 職業隔離 joint college entrance exam ranking occupational segregation TSSCI
卷期 48:2
日期 200310
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學