

篇名 西方和諧教育思想的發展脈絡及其當代意蘊
並列篇名 On Tracking the Development of Thought of Harmonious Education in the Western Countries and Its Contemporary Implication
作者 肖正德
中文摘要 通过对西方和谐教育思想的发展脉络进行溯源性追寻,我们可以发现其发展历程经过萌芽、形成、发展和多元变革四个基本阶段。考察西方和谐教育思想的发展脉络,于当今我国构建和谐社会所需的和谐教育具有重要的借鉴作用:促使学生的基本素质和谐地发展,设置全面和谐的课程;适应不同学生的发展需要,尊重学生的主体;创设安全自由的和谐课堂,构建民主、和谐、融洽的师生关系。
英文摘要 By tracking the development of thought of harmonious education in the western countries, we can see its development passing through four basic phases: germ, formation, development and multi-reform. To study the development of thought of harmonious education in the western countries have important implication for constructing harmonious society in our country today: it urges, first, the harmonious development of basic qualities of students and setting up harmonious curriculum; second, meeting development needs of different students and respecting their personality, and the third, constructing harmonious class and democratic relationship between the teachers and students.
頁次 16-20
關鍵詞 harmonious development harmonious society harmonious education western countries 西方 和諧發展 和諧社會 和諧教育 CSSCI
卷期 30:4
日期 200804
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所