

篇名 義務教育階段之弱勢學生的補救教育之調查研究
並列篇名 The Study of Remedial Education for the Disadvantaged Students of Compulsory Education
作者 洪儷瑜
中文摘要 基于教育机会均等和及早介入的理念,本研究以教师的观点探讨弱势学生在学校的适应困难与各项补救教育的经验,弱势学生指环境不利因素所致的弱势,包括单亲、隔代教养、贫户、没有户籍、侨生、原住民、驻外返国、大陆来台、父母之一为外国人、受虐儿等十类。依据适应困难的相似度大致可分家庭环境不利、文化殊异、原住民等三类弱势学生,这三类的适应困难类型有所不同,反映其不同的补救教育之需求。行政推动的补救教育方案的普及率低于教师采用的补救策略,广被推动的补救方案实施比率不到两成,包括课后补救、社团辅导、小团体辅导、学习困难资源班,而教师采用的策略却多在五成到二成之间,给予学生鼓励、设法让学生接纳、提供个别教学与辅导、刻意安排座位等。然而广被运用的方案不一定成效较佳,有效的策略也不一定费力,给予鼓励支持即为一例。
英文摘要 This study surveyed the experience of teaching disadvantaged students from 838 teachers taught in compulsory education stage. Three major categories of disadvantaged students were concluded from ten kinds of disadvantaged cases found in schools: family disadvantaged, cultural disadvantaged, and aboriginal students. The implementation of the remedial strategies in the class was more frequently reported by teachers than the school-wide implementation of remedial education programs. Remedial instruction after school, extracurricular club, and group counseling were the highest implemented programs in school-wide remedy, and encouraging students, helping students accepted by peers, individual help or tutoring, and intended arrangement of the seat in the class were highly used by teachers in the class. However, the frequent-used remedial programs or strategies were found not necessary to be more effective, and the most effective one is not necessary to be time- or effort- consuming. The recommendations of remedial education programs in Taiwan were made on the basis of the findings.
頁次 45-65
關鍵詞 文化殊異 弱勢學生 家庭不利 補救教育 原住民 aboriginal family disadvantage remedial education cultural disadvantage disadvantaged students TSSCI
卷期 46:1
日期 200104
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學