

篇名 论全球化与中国教育现代化
並列篇名 On Globalization and China’s Education Modernization
作者 潘涌
中文摘要 以市场化、网络化和知识经济为特征的全球化,正以强势推进着世界现代化历史进程。用全球化视野来观照中国教育现代化,理当对以应试为特点、以复制为功能的计划经济下的传统教育进行深刻的扬弃,实现教育价值观从适应论向超越论的历史性转换。文章由此出发,阐述了以创新为价值先导、以立人为目标追求的中国教育现代化之要义,其中包括教育理念、人才结构、课程设置和教育体制诸方面的现代化。
英文摘要 The historic march towards the modernization throughout the world has been in rapid progress with the advance of globalization characterized by the market─centered, network, and knowledge economy. In the perspective of globalization, a complete reform in the traditional Chinese education shaped under the planned─economy should be introduced, especially in order to eliminate the disadvantages caused by the test─orientated and reception─orientated education so that we can achieve historic transition in the education value from the conception of adjustment to that of detachment. The essay elaborates the gists of the modernization of China’s education that aim at creativity and cultivation of talents, and include the modernization of the education concept, the education system, the structure of talents and the curriculum design, etc.
頁次 100-104
關鍵詞 全球化视野 Educational Modernization Creativity The Views of Globalization 创新 教育现代化 CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200310
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學