

篇名 我国高校自主招生改革若干问题的探讨
並列篇名 The Exploration on Independent Enrollment of University in China
作者 张晓鹏
中文摘要 本文分析了影响当前我国高校自主招生改革的几个关键性问题,主张逐渐使招生首先成为高校的自主性行为而不仅仅市政府行为,尤其是一批重点大学国家尽早使其拥有完全的招生自主权;认为自己招生与公平录取并无必然矛盾,在某种意义上自主招生比统一高考可能够有利于现实教育公平;指出包括面试在内的考试只是招生的一种手段,高校自主招生的考试形式完全可以而且应该多样化。
英文摘要 This paper tries to analyze some key factors affecting the university recruitment reforms nowadays. It presents that student recruitment should gradually become and independent behavior of universities instead of governments. It also insists that there is no logical contradiction between independent recruitment and equitable enrolment. In a certain sense, independent recruitment could help to realize the education equity more easily than the unified entrance examination. Interview is a mere measure of recruitment; the universities can combine various forms while selecting students.
頁次 12-16
關鍵詞 高等学校 自主招生 办学自主权 统一高考 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200605
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學