

篇名 在跨領域觀點中與「語言」對話
並列篇名 Conversation with
作者 黃譯瑩(Huang, Yi-ying)
中文摘要 打從我們一出生,便是在語言的世界中交流。我們藉由語言詮釋自身、理解他人、溝通而取得某種共識,並構作一致的世界圖像。然而,由於我們太習慣語言,視之為理所當然,因此,我們反而容易忽略語言的根本問題、與之擦身而過:語言究竟是什麼?其範疇為何?如何發展?它在人類世界中扮演什麼角色?起什麼作用?提到認識語言,常人多想到語言學,其實,在哲學、社會學和心理學領域對語言也有著深刻的省思,跨領域觀點的聯繫有助於新知之湧現--當然,這新知不會僅有進行聯繫者的、也包括讀者的。因此,本文目的在建構一個使這些不同領域觀點進行對話的場域,然後在讀者與文本進行對話的過程中,讓語言的根本及其與人類的關係在多重對話所產生的共鳴或差異中,出現透露己身的契機。
英文摘要 Since the moment we born, we communicate in the world of language. We use language to interpret ourselves, understand others, obtain consensus, and draw the coherent pictures about the world. However, we are too accustomed to the existence of language that we may ignore the fundamental questions of language-it-self. What is language?What constitutes language?What does the role language play in the human world or the function it equip with in the process of communication and understanding?
It is believed that the renewal knowing about “language ”will emerge from the conversation joining with interdisciplinary perspectives. The renewal knowing belong to not only the one who integrates multi-perspectives about ‘language” but also those who are conversing with these perspectives. Thus, this paper aims to integrate interdisciplinary perspectives about ‘language” and provide such a context at the same time for the reader to converse with “language”.
頁次 105-126
關鍵詞 理解 跨領域 溝通 詮釋 語言 Communicate Interdisciplinary Interpret Language Understand TSSCI
卷期 21
日期 200312
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系