

篇名 教师专业发展的客观要求:教学诊断能力及其提高
並列篇名 The Objective Demands for Teacher’s Professional Development:Diagnostic Ability of Teaching and Its Improvement
作者 張偉民
中文摘要 教师专业发展无论是理论研究还是实践层面仍然在其外围打转,还没有触及到实质问题。文章通过对教师专业发展的分析,着重从教师职业的功能性特征和不可替代性来把握教师专业发展的内涵。认为教学诊断能力及其提高是教师专业发展的客观要求。提出了教学诊断对教师专业发展的重要意义以及提高教师教学诊断能力的方式和途径。
英文摘要 The research on teacher’s professional development is no deep enough to touch the virtual problem, neither of theory or practice. By analyzing the professional development of teachers, this article explores the connotation of teacher’s professional development from the characteristics of teaching profession. It is an objective demand for teacher’s professional development to improve teacher’s diagnostic ability of teaching. It also presents the great importance of teaching diagnosis for the professional development of teachers, and sets forth some ways to improve teacher’s diagnostic ability of teaching.
頁次 12-15
關鍵詞 教師專業發展 teaching diagnosis professional standard teacher’s professional development 教學診斷 專業標準 CSSCI
卷期 18:1
日期 200601
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心