

篇名 政府与家庭教育经费分担:寻求适当的平衡
並列篇名 Government and Household Financing of Education:Finding Appropriate Balances
作者 马克.贝磊 、李梅
中文摘要 尽管在大多数国家,政府仍然有望承担教育的主要费用,但政府将和家庭、社区和其它社会团体及个人共同分担资助教育经费的责任。本文通过数据比较,考察一些国家中政府和家庭分担教育费用的情况。关注的重点是初等和中等教育,文中成本的概念包括直接成本和机会成本,其中一部分具体讨论到家庭课程补习。与此同时,文中还着重讨论了国际机构政策倡议的变革,成本分担的替代选择以及在寻求政府和家庭之间教育轻费分担平衡时所必须考虑的主要因素。
英文摘要 Although in most societies governments are commonly expected to bear the major burden of financing education, they commonly share this burden with households, communities and others. This paper presents comparative data on the balance between government and household financing of education in a range of countries. If focuses particularly on primary and secondary education, and includes discussion of opportunity costs. One section of the paper highlights the significance of supplementary private tutoring. The paper also considers the evolution of international policy advocacy, and alternative to cost—sharing. The article comments on some major factors which must be considered in the search for appropriate balances between government and household financing of education.
頁次 43-51
關鍵詞 政府 financing education household government 教育经费分担 家庭 CSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 200304
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學