

篇名 从独白到对话:传统道德教化的现代转向
並列篇名 From Monologue to Dialogue:A Modernity Transition of Traditional Moral Cultivation
作者 刘铁芳
中文摘要 独白性教化以对社会成员的规范的一元道德价值设定为基础,以个体人格的依性为基本依托,以个体对既定伦理目标的接受、认同、贯彻为目的,以威权性、灌输性为其基本特征。独白性教化切合于传统专制型社会政治意识形态传输的需要,因之而成为传统道德教化的基本形式。随着独白性教化的社会依据的解体,社会道德教化呈现出对基于平等、自主、个性的对话性的追求,对话性成为现代性道德教化策略的基本标示。
英文摘要 Traditional moral cultivation is monological. Monologic moral cultivation is based on the assumption, of individuals dependence on society, on personal acceptance, recognization and practice of the definite moral goals, characterized basically by authority through enforcement. Monologic moral cultivation meets with the need of the political ideaology in traditional arbitrary society. Following the vanish of social support on monologic moral cultivation, modern social moral cultivation request for equality, autonomy and individuality, dialogue becomes a basic approach of modern moral cultivation strategy.
頁次 77-83
關鍵詞 独白 moral cultivation modernity dialogue monologue 教化 现代化 对话 CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200401
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學