

篇名 论教育中的说服原理
並列篇名 On the Principles of Persuasion in Education
作者 江峰
中文摘要 说服成为一种有理论基础且自成体系的德育方法,始于苏格拉底。在说服方法的背后,是知与行的关系以及知如何能引领行的问题。这些问题渉及对德育本质的理解,即涉及根据什么认为德育是一切教育之本。目前教育界对说服问题的讨论 多止于经验总结,这种现状应当是以实践理论自居的教育学所不能满意的。基于此,本文从说服的概念界定和本质界定入手,对说服作为德育方法的内在矛盾和冲突,以及说服的运用限度和运用条件等问题进行了初歩的理论探讨,以期引起学界对说服问题的重视。
英文摘要 Functioning as the method of moral education with its own theoretical foundation, persuasion can be traced back to Socrates. The critical issues of persuasion lie in the relationship between knowing and practice, as well as the unity of knowledge and practice. These issues involve the understanding on the nature of moral education. The main discussion on persuasion in the educational circle today still remains on the level of experience. With the conceptual definition as a starting point, this article preliminarily inquired into the problems of persuasion as moral education method, and its limitations and conditions of application in school educational.
頁次 46-58
關鍵詞 说服 真说服 假说服 CSSCI
卷期 5:2
日期 200704
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學