

篇名 如何识读现代大学组织特性 ─ 罗伯特.伯恩鲍姆的大学组织结构观
並列篇名 How Should We Explain and Understand the Organizational Characteristics of Modern University?    ─ Robert Brinbaum’s Organizational Structure Ideas of University
作者 郑光平
中文摘要 罗伯特.伯恩鲍姆通过对大学组织与企业组织的全面比较分析,认为大学组织结构有其自身的特性─松散联合。其特征主要体现在:目标的模糊性;控制的二重性;权力的非制度性;层级的混乱性。他指出大学组织松散联合系统的功能具有积极和消极两方面作用。罗伯特.伯恩鲍姆的大学组织结构观,对我们正确识读现代大学组织特性,以及对我国大学,尤其是研究型大学的组织建设理论与实践具有重要的方法论意义。
英文摘要 Robert Brinbaum considered that the organizational structure of university is a loose unity through comprehensively comparing between university organization and enterprise organization. It embodies four prominent characteristics as follows:the goal is confused;the governance is double;the power is non─institutional;the hierarchy is disordered. He pointed out that the systemic function of the loose unity is both positive and passive. Robert Brinhaum’s ideas are of methodological significance to us explain and understand the organizational characteristics of modern university properly, and China’s universities organizational theory and practice, especially to China’s research universities.
頁次 64-67
關鍵詞 罗伯特.伯恩鲍姆 现代大学 松散联合 组织特性 Robert Brinbaum modern university loose unity organizational characteristics CSSCI
卷期 3:2
日期 200503
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學