

篇名 废科举的教育影响
並列篇名 The Influence of Abolishing Imperial Examination on Education
作者 郑若玲
中文摘要 废科举对教育的影响可谓是利弊兼得。从利的方面看,废科举使中国高等教育近代化取得了突破性进展,并带来了女学的兴起。从弊的方面看,废科举使得教育的普及失去了制度的推动与保障,并造成新式教育的贵族化倾向。废科举于其时的教育虽带来弊大于利的影响,但历史的脚步无人能阻,且废科举在开辟现代教育之路这一点上的积极意义至为深远。
英文摘要 Abolishing Imperial Examination has advantages and disadvantages on education. The advantages are modernizing Chinese higher education, and bringing the rise of women education. The disadvantages are destroying educational popularization, and simulating the aristocratic tendency in education. Comparatively speaking, the disadvantages of this abolishment brings are far more than the advantages it brings, but the historical progress is inevitable. Abolishing the imperial Examination is of the far ─ reaching significance for probing our modern education.
頁次 17-20
關鍵詞 科举 教育 影响 Imperial examination education influence CSSCI
卷期 3:2
日期 200503
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學