

篇名 亚太地区可持续发展以及”面临前沿问题的国家” ─ 日本的角色
並列篇名 Sustainability of Asia Pacific Region and the Role of Japan at the Frontier of Emerging Issues
作者 村泽义久 、长生拓磨
中文摘要 日本是世界第二经济大国,目前它也是”面临着各种各样前沿问题的国家”。如果日本能成为解决前沿问题的国家,那就会使日本获得新的竞争力源泉,同时也能能给人类的持续性发展做出贡献。为解决可持续发展问题,作为大学责任重大。但是目前的学术体系被划分得过于细致,不易协调。为此东京大学目前正在积极实施”知识构造化”计划,把细分化的知识研究再集结到一起。
英文摘要 Japan boasts the second largest on the world’s economic stage. It is also a forerunner in terms of the emerging social problems faced by many countries. If Japan can find solutions to these problems, it will be the emerging social problems faced by many countries. If Japan can find solutions to these problems, it will be the new sources of Japan’s international competitiveness, and meanwhile contribute greatly to the sustainable development of the world. Universities hereby should commit to helping create a more sustainable world. It is necessary for universities to integrate academic research, however it is not easy due to more and more subdivided academic fields. Under such academic research, Tokyo University is now conducting a so─called “Knowledge Reconstruction Program” which aims to promote subdivision of academic research to integration.
頁次 8-10
關鍵詞 日本 可持续发展 大学 作用 Japan sustainability university role CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200701
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學