

篇名 “新机制”实施以来我国农村地区家庭义务教育负担研究
並列篇名 Compulsory Education Burden in Rural Family in the Post - new - mechanism Era
作者 唐一鹏(Tang, Yi-peng) 、胡咏梅(Hu, Yong-mei)
中文摘要 2005年底,为切实减轻农民负担,促进义务教育均衡发展,我国开始实施义务教育经费保障机制(“新机制”)。根据对河北、山东、广西三省六县部分农村家庭的调查发现,“新机制”实施后,农村家庭义务教育负担水平较为合理,不过,低保家庭和寄宿生家庭义务教育负担依然较重。为此,政府有必要进一步规范农村地区学校收费行为,在减免应交杂费的基础上,加大对低保家庭学生的生活补助力度。另外,调研结果还显示,营养午餐计划的覆盖范围和补贴额度都应该在未来得到加强,才能够保证农村学生身心的健康发展。
英文摘要 By the end of 2005,in order to reduce the burden on farmers effectively and to promote the balanced development of compulsory education, China began to implement compulsory education funds safeguard mechanism ( " new mechanism" ) . According to a survey in Hebei, Shandong and Guangxi provinces, it is found that the " new mechanism" is well implemented, and the burden of compulsory education in rural households is at more reasonable levels,but that of low — income family and boarders ’ family remains heavy. To end this,it is necessary to regulate the rural school fees,and to increase subsistence living allowance efforts as well as to ensure the healthy development of rural students. The survey also shows that the coverage and the amount of free lunch project should be strengthened in the future.
頁次 047-063
關鍵詞 新机制 农村家庭 义务教育负担 new mechanism rural family compulsory education burden
卷期 11:2
日期 201404
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學