

篇名 專業標準本位的校長績效評鑑與專業發展
並列篇名 Standards-Based Principal Performance Evaluation and Professional Development
作者 林文律
中文摘要 本文明示的目的,在於探討美國、英國及澳洲校長專業標準,以及校長專業標準、校長績效評鑑與校長專業發展三者彼此之間可能的關聯性。本文隱含的目的,則在於探尋臺灣邁向校長專業化的一些可能線索。經由文獻探討及文件分析法,本文研究所得如下:美國各州所採用的校長專業標準泰半依據全國性的ISLLC標準,著重以學生有效學習為核心主軸。而校長專業標準,以及各州由此專業標準所衍生出來的校長績效評鑑與校長專業發展,三者之間的關係極為密切。美國的校長專業標準以及校長績效評鑑,著重的是學生的有效學習。而英國及澳洲的校長專業標準同樣也特別強調校長必須以學生有效學習為首要責任,並兼及組織管理與績效責任。此外,由美國的資料可知,從校長績效評鑑中,若發現校長辦學所需的知識與能力以及績效有待改進之處,正是校長專業發展的著力點。美國、英國及澳洲以學生有效學習為核心的校長專業標準,以及校長專業標準、校長績效評鑑與校長專業發展三者之間所顯示的密切關聯性,對於臺灣建構中小學校長專業具有積極正向的啟示。
英文摘要 The explicit purpose of the present paper was to explore school leader standards and their relationships to principal performance evaluation and professional development, while its implicit purpose was to search for clues for the conceptualization of a framework for principal professionalization in Taiwan. Using document analysis and literature review as research methods, this paper explored principal standards in the US, England, and Australia as well as systems of performance evaluation and professional development in selected states in the US. It was found that school leader standards across many states in the US as well as principal standards in England and Australia are to a large extent anchored on the culture of student learning. The US school leader standards, in particular, also serve as a template for principal preparation, licensure, evaluation, and professional development. Put another way, the performance of a principal is mainly evaluated for his or her effectiveness in the management of student learning. Furthermore, results of principal performance evaluation can very much serve as a gateway to principal professional development. The paper suggests that school leader standards in the US, England, and Australia and, especially in the case of the US, the principal performance evaluation and professional development system concomitant with school leader standards, can very much serve as a frame of reference for Taiwan in conceptualizing a system of principal professionalization.
頁次 055-093
關鍵詞 校長專業化 校長專業發展 校長專業標準 校長評鑑 校長績效評鑑 principal professionalization principal professional development school leader standards principal evaluation principal performance evaluation
卷期 1:2
日期 201112
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會