

篇名 身心障礙福利服務機構教保人員背景變項、社會支持、角色知覺和組織承諾關係之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Relationships among Background Variables, Social Support, Role Perception, and Organizational Commitment of the Care Givers Working with Individuals with Disabilities in Social Welfare Organizations
作者 吳劍雄(Wu, Chien-hsiung)
中文摘要 本研究之目的在探討身心障礙福利服務機構教保人員背景變項、社會支持、角色知覺和組織承諾之關係,研究者以自編之調查問卷為工具,抽樣調查全國有效樣本共564位教保人員。研究結果顯示,教保人員在社會支持、角色知覺、組織承諾,都呈現中上程度反應,其中年長、資深之教保人員在其社會支持、角色知覺、組織承諾感受,大都有比年輕、資淺之教保人員有反應較好的趨勢。教保人員在社會支持、角色知覺、組織承諾等三類變項間有顯著之正相關。在結構方程模式適合度方面,本研究所提出之模式,在基本適合標準、整體模式適合度及模式內在結構適合度三方面雖有4個指標未達理想之標準,但總體來說,本研究所建立社會支持、角色知覺和組織承
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore background variables, social support, role perception, organizational commitment, and their relationships of care givers working with individuals with disabilities in social welfare organizations. A self-developed questionnaire was used to gain the career perceptions of the care givers working with individuals with disabilities. Five hundred sixty four copies were valid. The result revealed that care givers showed moderate to high levels of responses on their perception of social support, role perception, and organizational commitment. The result indicated that the care givers of an
older age and with more experience had higher perception of social support, role perception, and organizational commitment than those of a younger age and with less experience. According to the analysis of product-moment correlation, there was a significant positive correlation between social support, role perception, and organizational commitment. With respect to the fit test of structure equation model, it showed that the proposed modified model of social support, role perception, and organizational commitment was supported in terms of preliminary fit criteria, overall model fit and fit of internal structural model. The
other result indicated that social support and role perception had an important effect on organizational commitment. Finally, several suggestions were proposed.
頁次 1-25
關鍵詞 組織承諾 角色知覺 社會支持 背景變項 身心障礙福利服務機構教保人員 role perception care givers working with individuals with disabilities in social welfare organizations background variables social support and organizational commitment
卷期 24
日期 201106
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系