

篇名 國中教師兩性平等教育專業發展個案分析研究
並列篇名 The Professional Growth of Teacher in Gender Equity Education-A Case Study
作者 洪久賢
中文摘要 本研究旨在透过剖析两性平等教育教师专业发展历程,归纳研究结果,综合研究对象之专业成长经验,提出具体建议,以供落实与推广两性平等教育时,教师调适或改进教学之用。本研究发现教师怀抱着自我反省,乐于改变,勇于创新的心态参与长期性理论与实务兼具的专业成长活动,其融合女性主义、两性平等教育理论、知识与生活经验,培养质疑、辩证、反思、解构、建构,作决定的思考能力,产生自我性别意识觉醒,对两性的关怀,并积极将性别议题融入教学。透过文献阅读、成长团体成员间互动、札记省思,及师生互动,深层检视性别角色社会建构历程、自己性别认同形塑过程与教学的性别刻板化行为,进而建构多元文化价值观,积极运用女性主义教育学,落实两性平等教育于教学中。教师们组织成相互尊重、切磋砥砺的支持性成长团体,对教师的专业成长俾能有所助益。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study was to analyze the professional growth process of a teacher in gender equity education. In-depth interview, text analysis and class observation were used to understand the real condition of professional growth in implementing gender equity education. The collected data were analyzed by qualitative methods.The teacher performs great improvement in gender equity consciousness, reflective thinking, and implementation through attending the critical thinking professional growth workshop, selecting and studying the feminism thought course, and implementing the gender equity education experimental instruction. The teacher reflected her own consciousness to gender equity, and develop a gender-sensitive perspective to reveal unfair situations. The teacher could examine her instruction from the dimensions: content integration, knowledge construction, equity pedagogy and an empowering school culture.
頁次 37-53
關鍵詞 兩性平等教育 textbook release models of integrated curriculum textbook reconstruction social studies the nine-year articulated curriculum 性別教育 教師專業成長 兩性教育 TSSCI
卷期 45:2
日期 200010
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學